It’s hard to believe that the school year is already half over. Winter sports have begun tournament play. The boys’ swim team wound up NJIC champs. Our Academic Decathlon team placed fourth in regional competition. The team now moves on to state competition on March 4 for the 16 consecutive year. The senior fashion show was a huge success earlier this month. Over 720 guests enjoyed the evening. The Guidance Department will be hosting an “Admission Game” presentation on February 15 at 7:00 pm. The program is geared towards 9-11 grade students to educate and assist with the college … [Read more...] about February 2017
January 2016
I would like to wish the entire Rutherford Community a Happy New Year from RHS. The excitement is beginning to build as we prepare for the second half of the school year. Winter sports are off to a fantastic start. The members of our school musical have been working hard during rehearsals. There is a PTSA meeting scheduled for January 12 at 7:30 pm. The semester one final exam schedule has been sent out and exams begin on January 25. Semester two begins on Wednesday, February 3. There is a curriculum review night that will be hosted by our guidance department that will take place on … [Read more...] about January 2016
December 2015 Word from the Principal
It is hard to believe that I am typing the December “Word from the Principal” already. It has been a very exciting time here at RHS with a successful fall season culminating with our football team’s trip to MetLife stadium to play for a state championship on Thursday, December 3. The members of our National Honor Society competed in the annual Rutherford vs. Becton spelling bee on the day before Thanksgiving. Rutherford once again defeated Becton to start the holiday weekend off on a high note. Our band and choir students have been working extremely hard preparing for their Winter Concert, … [Read more...] about December 2015 Word from the Principal
October 2015
We are off to a wonderful start here at RHS. The energy and excitement in the building each day is due to our hard working students as well as their dedicated staff. In circulating the building, conducting walkthroughs and through formal observations, I have seen many exciting things thus far. Total student engagement, hands-on activities, peer-to-peer instruction and project-based learning have been driving instruction during the month of September. We have a very busy and exciting October planned. On October 8, we will be honoring our 2015 Distinguished Graduate, Ms. Andrea Covais from … [Read more...] about October 2015
RHS School Opening Information
The 2015-2016 school year will soon begin. The first day of classes for students is Tuesday, September 8. Click here to view important information for you and your child. Attachment “A” contains information about opening day and school activities. Attachment “B” contains forms that you can print and return to school with your son or daughter by the date indicated on each form. Information regarding computer access to your childís … [Read more...] about RHS School Opening Information