May is the most exciting yet busiest time of year for the students at RHS. Our spring sports are in full swing and the teams are having plenty of success. The PARCC assessment is concluding. The students at RHS need to be commended for their effort and cooperation during the testing. With over one hundred students being tested in our “testing center” students behaved amazing and worked extremely hard. AP testing will begin on May 4 and continue through May 13. Our talented musicians and singers will perform at the Spring Concert on May 7. There is a PTA meeting on May 12 at 7:30 pm. The World Language Honor Society students will be inducted on May 13 and the National Honor Society inductions will take place on May 19. Please come out and support the students’ beautiful artwork as well as listen to them perform at the Evening of the Arts on May 20. The end of course Biology test, NJBCT, will be given on May 26 and May 27. The always exciting Senior Breakfast and Senior Prom will take place on May 29. As you can see, we have a jam-packed month of May with wonderful events that showcase the many talents of our students. Please note that final exams begin on June 11.
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