Mathematics Department
The Mathematics Department at Rutherford High School provides a strong college preparatory curriculum that readies our graduates for the challenges of the 21st century. All course curricula are carefully aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. Every course contains work specifically designed to prepare our students for standardized testing. Strategies for solving both multiple choice type questions and open-ended mathematics questions are infused into coursework at all levels. Entering freshmen may be recommended for Honors Geometry, Geometry or Algebra 1, based on their achievement, standardized test results, and the recommendations of their eighth grade teachers. They will continue on to complete four years of mathematics as required by the Board of Education, including Algebra 2, PreCalculus, and College Mathematics.
Students who have demonstrated high mathematics achievement can be invited at the end of the junior year to take Advanced Placement Calculus. This course prepares students to take the College Board’s AP Test that can gain them college credit for work done in high school.
Technology use is integrated into the entire mathematics curriculum. All students should purchase calculators to be used throughout their four years in high school, in math classes, science classes, and in many other disciplines. Recommended calculators are Texas Instruments TI83+ TI84, TI89 or TI30. The importance of proper calculator use is stressed by using problems designed to determine whether mental math, paper and pencil math or the calculator is appropriate.
Extra Curricular
The Math Department sponsors a team of students who participate in the Bergen County Math League competitions. A group of about fifteen selected students from Honors and AP classes compete with other mathematics students from the county in six meets, where problems are individually solved and scored. Awards are given for top scoring students in the county, in our group, and in each school.
Math Teachers
Mr. Richard Blanchard
Ms. Stephanie Curtis
Mrs. Deborah DeLia
Mr. Steve Dunn
Mr. Michael Mayerczak
Ms. Sara Sadowski
Mrs. Danica Schmeding, STEM Department Supervisor
Ms. Stephanie Smallstey
Mrs. Karen Travellin
Ms. Gianna Anello
Ms. Rebecca Hill
Mrs. Nicole Ealey
Mr. Mackenzie Leeds
Classes We Offer
Algebra 1
Algebra 2
AP Calculus
College Mathematics
Honors Algebra 2
Honors Calculus
Honors Geometry
Honors PreCalculus
Statistics and Probability
RTI Math
Science Department
The Science Department at Rutherford High School offers a wide range of courses to enhance the students’ learning experience at all levels. Current State Department of Education science requirements for graduation are three years. Our department offers a full four-year program for students, including electives, and most students continue in science for four years. Courses at all levels develop critical thinking, analytical skills, and problem solving techniques to prepare our students for vigorous college courses. All course curricula are carefully to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards.
Students identified in eighth grade have the opportunity to enter our honors level program, taking Honors Biology in freshman year, continuing with Honors Chemistry during the sophomore year, and Honors Physics in the junior year. Students may also be recommended for AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Physics 1, and/or AP Physics C.
Elective Program
Our elective program includes: AP Biology, an intensive study of botany and zoology that prepares students to take the Advanced Placement test for college credit; AP Chemistry that, in addition to preparing for the Advanced Placement test, allows students to enroll in the Middle College Program in affiliation with Fairleigh Dickinson University for college credit; AP Physics 1 or AP Physics C which utilizes the most modern lab equipment and computer analysis; Anatomy & Physiology and Marine Biology which enables students to continue within the science program at a different scope and pace; Forensic Science focuses on the analysis of evidence collection, the decomposition process, crime scenes, skeletal remains, toxicology, and document validity.
Extra Curricular
There are several extra curricular activities related to the science field of which students can take advantage. The Chemistry Club is open to all and students who are taking a chemistry class are encouraged to join. Students do experiments other than ones done in class as well as other chemistry-related activities. The Biology Club does fun biology-related activities throughout the year. They do annual projects like weeding and planting the courtyard and front yard of RHS. The Physics/Engineering Club works on physics related projects in order to participate in Science fairs.
Science Teachers
Mrs. Brenda Hernandez
Ms. Niki Ketikidis
Ms. Jacqueline Kozek
Ms. Danielle Moore
Mr. Alex Robayo
Mr. Samuel Lebreault
Mrs. Julie Wasilewski
Mrs. Marjorie Constantino
Mrs. Chelsea Fett
Mrs. Donna-Lynn Currie
Classes We Offer
Anatomy and Physiology
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Physics 1
AP Physics C
Environmental Science
Forensic Science
Honors Biology
Honors Chemistry
Marine Biology
Engineering Department
The Engineering Department at Rutherford High School offers four semester electives and two full year electives.
Engineering Teachers
Mr. Timothy Ajala
Ms. Danielle Moore
Mr. Alex Robayo
Classes We Offer
Foundations of Technology
Technological Design
Advanced Design Applications
Engineering Design
Robotics 1
Robotics 2