Bergen County Choir
Congratulations to Nina Tavani, Marley Santana, D Vemuri, Alex Park, Mark Bershadsky, Danny Fencik, Jeannille Ettinoffe, (not pictured- Elizabeth Dunlop, Angelica Rodriguez, and Leah Griffin) on their acceptance to this year’s Bergen County Choir! … [Read more...] about Bergen County Choir
Word from the Principal
It's hard to believe that I am typing that the end of Quarter 1 is approaching. Quarter 1 ends on November 8 and as I have said a number of times already this year, the energy in the building has been fantastic. School will be closed for election day on November 7 and also on November 9 and 10 for teachers’ convention. The All School Play will be performed on Friday, November 17 and Saturday, November 18. Schools will be closed for Thanksgiving on November 23 and 24 with a one-session day on Wednesday, November 22. The all sports booster dinner will take place on November 27 at the … [Read more...] about Word from the Principal
Word from the Principal
The start of the school year has been amazing! The energy in the building has been infectious. Our fall sports teams are in full swing and, as always, having extremely successful results. I am excited to announce the amazing events that are planned for the month of October. Our PTSA meeting will be held in the Library on October 11 at 7:30 pm. In addition, on October 12 the guidance department will be hosting Financial Aid Night followed by Senior Parent Night. Both events will have very important information for the senior class. Our popular 7th and 8th Grade Open House is on … [Read more...] about Word from the Principal
Word from the Principal
It is with great enthusiasm that I welcome everyone back for the 2023-2024 school year. I am excited to see our students walking the halls with big smiles on their faces. Students entered the building with our finished construction project and many amazing upgrades. The Bulldog pride is infectious. We will be screaming with excitement during our kickoff Pep Rally on September 15. School Pictures are scheduled for September 20. Our 9th Grade Parent Orientation and Back to School Night will be held on September 21. The 9th Grade Parent Orientation will begin at 6 PM … [Read more...] about Word from the Principal