Our lost and found is overflowing. If you have recently discovered a missing jacket, sweatshirt, hat, lunch bag, etc., please have your child check the lost and found in the Multi Purpose Room. The lost and found is accessible to students throughout the day and parents are welcome to come in after school to claim lost items. During the summer recess unclaimed items will be donated to charity. Thank you. … [Read more...] about Lost and Found
Welcome Back
Dear Students and Parents: Welcome back to a new school year! I hope you have had a wonderful summer and are returning to school ready to learn. Please join me in welcoming the following new faculty and staff members to Pierrepont School: Andy Howell, Assistant Principal; Frank Kasper, Special Education; Kerry O'Keefe; Special Education; Cynthia Frazier, Special Education; Ines Caetano; Guidance Counselor and Heather Tyndall, Teacher Assistant. Welcome back to Victoria Hackbarth and Dana Roman. The PIERREPONT SCHOOL HANDBOOK is updated annually and is available on the school … [Read more...] about Welcome Back
Welcome Back
Dear Students and Parents: Welcome back to a new school year! I hope you have had a wonderful summer and are returning to school ready to learn. Please join me in welcoming the following new faculty and staff members to Pierrepont School: Francesca Mastropierro, Guidance; Rebecca Henessy, Digital Arts; Melissa Dehnert, 4th grade. In 5th grade welcome: Clarice Mallari, Victoria Loffredo, Danielle Mirkovich. In 6th grade welcome; Alexandra Medina, Briane Bilbao, Sara Bermudez. Welcome back to Pierrepont Kailtin Wojcik, Brianne DiStasi and Michael Faugno. Welcome to our new teacher … [Read more...] about Welcome Back
Pierrepont Virtual Art Show 2021
This year's show features neurographic art created by students in the third through sixth grades. Please see the link below. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQ4t_dUuCxUrIme50EGqHk5rCzkWjZfn6HJ8n_U2GETutnBZ5dH-a-eVzdDuPupYoKk-VU3BQNlBkEU/pub?start=true&loop=true&delayms=3000 … [Read more...] about Pierrepont Virtual Art Show 2021
November 2020
We have had a busy fall so far. It is hard to believe that first quarter of the school year is coming to a close! We have continued to implement Social and Emotional Learning strategies and are continuing to use mindfulness strategies in the classrooms. Teachers have used data to identify learning gaps are collaborating with one another on strategies to close any identified gaps. Our clubs are all up and running virtually. General information about our clubs can be accessed on the school website under the section “Pierrepont Quick Links.” Select “Co-Curricular Clubs” to reach a chart … [Read more...] about November 2020