Every child receives instruction in vocal music. The main focus of this course is to build an appreciation for and understanding of many different kinds of music. It is both a participation class and an appreciation class. Students attend General Music once every six days for 42 minutes.
Chorus is a popular activity at Pierrepont School. Pierrepont School has a 6th grade choir and a combined 4th and 5th grade choir. Only those students in chorus will perform at the concerts.
Choir auditions are held in September and January for the purposes of voice part identification. Each choir will rehearse twice a week after school, once for specific voice parts and once for the entire grade choir. Participating in chorus is a privilege and appropriate behavior is necessary. All chorus members will receive a chorus contract explaining the specific requirements of membership. Failure to meet these requirements can be cause for removal.
The choirs will perform twice a year – in December and again in the spring.
Instrumental Music
Beginning in 4th grade, students are able to select an instrument to study. A form is sent home in June to register for lessons for the following year. Additional forms are available again in September. Students are placed into classes of similar instruments and learning levels whenever possible. Each class meets once a week, on a rotating schedule. The rotating schedule prevents students from missing core classes when possible. Class size may range from 3 to 12 students. During the school year, various performing ensembles are offered to the students in instrumental music. Depending on the instrumentation, jazz band and other smaller performing groups may be formed. Some of the performances that occur annually include the Winter Concert, Spring Concert and the Memorial Day Parade. Other performing opportunities are also available, depending on the groups and scheduling of other events.