It’s hard to believe that I am typing that the end of Quarter 1 is approaching. Quarter 1 ends on November 12 and the energy in the building has been fantastic. Because of the overwhelming number of students earning a Board of Education Award, the awards will be presented over two evenings. The first will be held on November 10 at 7 PM for Bronze Award winners. On November 17, winners of the Silver and Gold Award will be recognized. The All School Play will be performed on Friday, November 19 and Saturday, November 20. Schools will be closed for Thanksgiving on November 25 and 26 with a one-session day on Wednesday, November 24. The all sports booster dinner returns and will take place on November 29 at the Fiesta.
Our athletic teams have had an amazing fall. Our football team, both boys’ and girls’ soccer teams, volleyball, and cross country are participating in the state tournament. It has been a remarkable start for our sports teams. In addition, our clubs and activities are in full swing.