Wishing happy holidays and a healthy and prosperous new year to all of our Pierrepont families!
With the cold weather upon us, we will utilize “Operation Umbrella” for morning drop off until further notice. Grade 4 will be report to the MPR, grades 5 to the hallways near their classrooms, and grade 6 will report to the gymnasium. We will continue to go outdoors at lunch time throughout the school year (weather permitting), it is important that students are dressed appropriately to be outdoors.
Winter recess will begin with a one-session day on Friday, December 20. All students will be dismissed at 12:20 p.m. The subscription bus for students who are assigned to the bus will run on December 20. The bus will depart Pierrepont School at approximately 12:35 p.m. School will reopen on Thursday, January 2.
If your child is missing any articles of clothing or a lunch box, please check the lost and found. Lost and found is located in the Multi-Purpose Room. All unclaimed items will be donated over the winter break.
This is a good time to review with your children what you expect them to do if an emergency closing is called after the start of the school day. In the event of an emergency closing, students will be dismissed at 12:20 p.m. After school care is canceled on emergency closing days. If you are not available to pick your children up at school, it is imperative that they know what to do and where to go. Children who are not picked up will be transported by the Rutherford Police to headquarters where they will be supervised until released to a parent or parent designee.
School will be closed on Monday, January 20 in commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Books and Beyond reading incentive program will begin on January 2`.
The second marking period closes on January 24.