Dear Students and Parents:
Welcome back to a new school year! I hope you have had a wonderful summer and are returning to school ready to learn.
Please join me in welcoming the following new faculty and staff members to Pierrepont School: Caitlin Jeffas, Digital Arts
The PIERREPONT SCHOOL HANDBOOK is updated annually and is available on the school website at the start of each new school year. Please take the time to review the handbook and familiarize yourself with policies and procedures. Contact the main office if you require a hard copy of the handbook.
The District utilizes an online registration system. Parents must log in to review and, when necessary, update student demographic information. Families who wish to apply for Free and Reduced lunch will do so via the online registration portal.
Throughout the year various information is shared on the school website, All are encouraged to visit the website and subscribe in order to receive email updates.
Connect 5 is our emergency notification system and its effectiveness depends on the accuracy of contact information. Should your contact numbers change for any reason (such as a change of employment, new cell number, etc.) during the school year, it is imperative that you notify the school office immediately.
The faculty here at Pierrepont looks forward to the upcoming school year and to once again partnering with you to provide a quality education in a safe, nurturing, learning environment for all of our children. We welcome your involvement and support. If you need assistance throughout the school year, do not hesitate to call my office.
Best regards,
Joan Carrion, Principal