Pierrepont School’s SILVER BELLS program, sponsored by the Service Club and PTA, will begin on November 21, 2022. The SILVER BELLS program provides needy families in our school and community with items such as warm clothing and special wish list gifts for the children. (These families, as always, will remain confidential.)
The Service Club under the direction of Mrs. Frattarola and Ms. Scrimenti will be collecting money in special SILVER BELLS canisters located in all homerooms. Please encourage your children to donate any change they can to help provide gifts for our families in need. The canisters will remain in all homerooms until Wednesday, December 14, 2022.
You may also send in a monetary donation, in the form of bills. This year we will also collect gift cards from the following vendors: Shop-Rite, Target and Amazon, only. Gift cards should be a minimum of $10.00 and include the receipt that you receive at the time of purchase. We will also accept gift cards in higher denominations. Please no checks. All money collected will be used to purchase Shop-Rite, Target and Amazon gift cards and distributed to our identified recipients. We will be accepting donations until December 14th.
This special program has been a great success in the past and we thank the Pierrepont Community who has always been so generous. As always, thank you for your anticipated generosity and continued support of this year’s SILVER BELLS program.
If you need any additional information you may contact Tracy Leigh, PTA president at pierrepontschoolpta@gmail.com. On behalf of the SILVER BELLS committee, we wish you all a healthy and happy HOLIDAY SEASON!!!