This year in Physical Education class, students have been engaging in cross curricular activities. Every Friday is “Fitness Friday” where students participate in the Pierrepont Amazing Race! The class begins by having students view where each grade is on the map and explaining which cardinal direction each grade has traveled in. Then, students choose to walk and/or jog for 20 minutes around the Gym. 33 laps = 1 mile! Laps are tracked by the PE teachers and logged at the end of each class period. Then, students put on their Math thinking caps and help to calculate the mileage total for that day. Students are also able to view where Pierrepont is on the map with the total miles for the school! Most recently we added in some extra Math to PE by having students vote for which team they thought would win the Super Bowl. We discussed probability and statistics and came up with total percentages for both the Chiefs and 49ers. By intertwining math and geography with physical education, we are not only able to cultivate a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of subjects but also equip our students with invaluable skills for navigating both the physical and academic landscapes of the 21st century. Through this multifaceted approach, students are empowered to become well-rounded individuals, equipped with the tools to excel in both the classroom and the world beyond.
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