April 2018
Dear Parent(s):
The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) performance based assessment will be administered to our students from April 24, 2018 – May 2, 2018. All students will test in the morning. This test will help determine your child’s content knowledge and key skills in language arts literacy and mathematics.
The PARCC is a mandated state test for public school students. It is designed to provide information about how well students are achieving in the areas required by New Jersey Student Learning Standards.
There are parts of the test in which the students will be required to wear headphones. Students are asked to bring their own headphones. The school does have a limited supply of headphones for students in need. Students are also encouraged to bring reading material in the event that they complete the test prior to the end of the testing session. Please note headphones cannot be wireless or have Bluetooth/wireless features. Smart watches are not permitted in the testing room.
Please encourage your child to get a good night’s rest, to eat breakfast, and to put forth his/her finest effort throughout the testing period. Sixth graders must bring their device fully charged.
Best Regards,
Joan Carrion
Principal, Pierrepont School