The school year is moving along and we have been keeping busy at Pierrepont School! It is hard to believe that we are almost midway through the third quarter already.
We have been celebrating reading with a sprit week leading up to Read Across America Day on March 1st. Staff and students participated in a Dr. Seuss themed spirit week and our 6th graders served as volunteer readers throughout the day.
Pierrepont students will take the PARCC from April 8-16. Detailed information about the testing schedule will be sent home soon.
The Books and Beyond program is moving forward with great success. Students in grades four and five are reminded to continue recording their minutes. Students have until the end of the month to complete their minutes. Mark your calendars for the graduation breakfast that will be held on Thursday, May 2 for grade 5 and Friday, May 3 for grade 4. I have issued a special “Principal’s Challenge” for Books and Beyond. If 90% or more of our 4th and 5th graders graduate from the program the students will earn an afternoon karaoke party one day in the spring!
Thank you to the Pierrepont Community for supporting the American Heart Association through the Hoops for Heart Knock Out Tournament. Our students raised over $8,000 for a great cause! A special thanks to Ms. Mahoney for coordinating the event.
Please continue to clip, save, and send in Box Tops for Education!
- Career Day for our 6th grade will take place on March 15 during the school day.
- The Spring Band Concert will take place in the gymnasium on March 28 at 7 p.m.
- The 5th grade Cultural Fair will take place on March 21 for upstairs homerooms and on March 22 for downstairs homerooms.