Pierrepont families will have the opportunity to return school issued items and pick up personal items on June 15 and June 16. A schedule has been created to manage the number of people coming to school at a given time and to maximize space for social distancing. The scheduled is attached below. We will be utilizing our blacktop areas as distribution and return centers. The designated areas are as follows:
4th grade- Lincoln Avenue Courtyard
5th grade- Upper Field
6th grade- Lower Field
Please see the date and time frame below for your designated pick-up and drop-off time. This has been broken down by grade level and homeroom. If you cannot attend during your designated time frame, we will also have extended hours from 4-6 P.M. on June 16th. All drop offs and picks during extended hours will take place on the Upper Field.
Detailed information regarding items to be dropped off was shared via a Connect 5 email to all parents.
Student Drop Off_Pick up Schedule (1)