Cereal Drive Competition
The Bergen County Food Service Task Force is sponsoring a cereal collection drive during the month of September, which is Hunger Action Month. Pierrepont School’s Service Club will be partnering with the Task Force and conducting a cereal drive from Monday, September 13th through Friday, September 24th. All students are encouraged to participate by bringing in at least one box of cereal, which will be collected in homerooms. Please be as generous as you can; we are asking our students and staff to be a part of the solution to food insecurity in our community and the surrounding communities of Bergen County.
Once the collection ends on the 24th, Service Club members will be creating a domino pattern using the collected boxes to demonstrate that we are all interconnected and play a part in holding each other up. On September 27th we will video the cereal domino in action and submit it as part of the competition.
All cereal boxes must be unopened and in good condition – all boxes will be donated to the Rutherford Food Pantry after the competition. Healthy, low-sugar, whole grain cereals are strongly preferred.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Frattarola at 201-438-7675, ext. 4263 or jfrattarola@rutherfordschools.org.
We are hoping to collect 500 boxes of cereal, which will benefit so many individuals and families and create an awesome domino chain!