Attention Parents/Guardians of Incoming 6th Graders:
If you have not submitted your child’s documentation that they have received the Tdap and meningococcal vaccines once they have turned 11 years of age, please submit prior to the first day of school. Two letters have been mailed home to remind you that this is a requirement of the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services. If your child’s 11th birthday falls before September 1, 2021 you must submit this documentation to the Pierrepont School Nurse, Julie Frattarola, prior to the start of school on September 9, 2021. If your child turns 11 after September 1, 2021, you must make an appointment with your child’s medical practitioner and submit the date of the appointment when the vaccines will be administered. Students may be excluded from school if they are not in compliance with this student health regulation on the first day. Please contact Mrs. Frattarola via email at as soon as possible with either a copy of the immunization documentation or the date of the appointment. Thank you for your cooperation with this very important matter.
Julie Frattarola, RN, MA