This month Lincoln School is focusing on the hard character trait- Forgiveness. The act of forgiveness requires forgiveness for others, and sometimes you must forgive yourself. When you choose to forgive, the barriers are torn down, and the record is wiped clean. We teach our children to say, “I am sorry,” “I was wrong,” “Will you please forgive me?” The important phrase here being Will you please forgive me? When we just say sorry, we are carrying the conversation, we are dealing with our guilt and our need to say sorry. But we are not inviting the other person to deal with their feelings; … [Read more...] about Character Trait- Forgiveness
Character Trait of the Month- Kindness
This month Lincoln School is focusing on the hard character trait-Kindness. Kindness is a behavior marked by ethical characteristics, a pleasant disposition, and concern for others. It is known as a virtue, and recognized as a value in many cultures. We will be teaching students to do something/say something kind for no reason. Teachers will identify acts of kindness in books and in situations. Parents can help us by modeling kindness: by holding a door for someone, greeting someone with a smile or writing a note in your child’s lunchbox. We will be emphasizing kindness by participating in The … [Read more...] about Character Trait of the Month- Kindness
This month Lincoln School is focusing on the hard character trait- Creativity. Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. Creativity is characterized by the ability to perceive the world in new ways, to find hidden patterns, to make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and to generate solutions. Creativity involves two processes: thinking--then producing. If you have ideas, but don’t act on them, you are imaginative; but not creative. Parents can help develop creativity by having children use everyday objects in a new way. Empty boxes, paint, … [Read more...] about Creativity
Character Trait- Bravery
This month Lincoln School is focusing on the hard character trait- Bravery. Bravery means facing your fears. We are discussing bravery in school through our books and actions. We are encouraging students to try something new and to think about a skill they want to learn. We also want to teach students to be brave and stand up when something is wrong. Parents can share how they may have overcome a fear or stood up to help another person. “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who … [Read more...] about Character Trait- Bravery
Character Trait: Fairness
This month Lincoln School is focusing on the hard character trait- fairness. Fairness is demonstrating impartial, unbiased, and equitable treatment of others. You give up personal interests, prejudice and favoritism. Fairness is defined by some as little more than “playing by the rules” and not taking advantage of others. It is challenging to learn how to handle it when life isn’t always fair!! “It is not fair to ask of others what you are unwilling to do yourself." – Eleanor Roosevelt … [Read more...] about Character Trait: Fairness