All units are designed under the guidelines of NGSS, the New Generation Science Standards and incorporate one or more of the STEM components. These disciplines noted within the acronym include science, technology, engineering, and math.
Units are correlated around the curriculum, “Mystery Science,” taught by the homeroom teachers. Its intention is to supply depth of content and practical lab application. Listed below are the year’s units of instruction for your review.
Grade 1
Life Science (Sept. – Nov.) Animal Superpowers
- Ingredients of a habitat
- Surviving in habitats – Using Adaptation
- Exploring Structural and Behavioral Adaptation – Field Study
- Survival Strategies – Lone vs. Group
Physical Science (Dec. – Feb.) Light and Sound
- Define and demonstrate sound
- Experiment with Sound Stations
- Using sound (pitch, vibrations) effects on different matter
- Make an instrument
- What is light? – define, demonstrate, and experiment with it
- Prisms and ROYGBIV, experiments of light on matter
Earth Science (Apr. – May) Spinning Skies
- Earth – Tilt, Rotation, Revolution – day and night, and seasons.
- The Moon’s value phases and reflected light
- Eclipses and how they happen.
Life Science revisited (Jun)
- Arthropods, habitat in layers
Grade 2
Earth Science (Sept – Nov.) Works of Water
- Earth Layers, and Plates in Motion
- Constructive and destructive Landforms (Mountains and Erosion)
- Erosion at work – Stream tables
- Conduct and diagram a test to monitor effects of erosion and the landforms it creates
- Design, test, modify flood control ideas via simulation on stream tables
Physical Science (Dec. – Feb.) Material Magic
- What is Matter, Phases of Matter, and experiment with solids
- Explore liquids and solids via lab experiments
- Build with Matter – create a wind-proof structure and test and revise
Life Science (Mar – June) Plant Adventure
- Plants defined, anatomy diagrams with functions noted
- Define, dissect, diagram and label the part of a seed
- Examine roots, stems, and leaves using microscopes
- Flower power = the function of the flower
- Pollination and mutualism
Grade 3
Life Science (Sept. – Nov.) Animals Through Time
- Evolution – Terms and triggers for physical change
- Tools for Change – variations, heredity, and adaptations
- Exploring animal examples of change – dinosaurs are not extinct
- Design and build a Theropod – feathered dinosaurs
- Test fly their design
Earth Science (Dec. – Jan.) Stormy Skies
- Weather vs. climate – define
- Air masses, fronts, and cycles
- Conflicting masses – how storms form
- Supercells – tornadoes vs. hurricanes
Physical Science (Feb. – Mar.)
- Motion, Forces, and Earth Forces defined
- Gravity, magnetism and electricity
- Build an electromagnet
Life Science – The Power of Flowers
- Structure and function of any flower is explored
- Dissect a flower to ID male and female parts
- Outdoor lab locating stamen and pistils and use microscopes
- Mutualism and pollinators
- Build a flower model and learn structure by doing