Welcome Spring!
As we transition into the third trimester, I look forward to continued growth for all of our students academically, socially, and emotionally. Our staff has been working hard to ensure that our students achieve grade level benchmarks and milestones. Through our recent celebration of International SEL Day and other school activities, we are promoting and supporting social and emotional awareness to help our students be their best selves. As parents, you play an important role in all of these initiatives. We welcome our partnership and encourage your involvement in helping your children reach their full potential. Please read on for more information about school events and programs.
Color Days – Character Education
During the month of March, the focus of our Character Education program is on the Pillar of Responsibility. On Thursday, March 17 we wore green to recognize this important Pillar (and to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day!). Our Physical Education teacher, Mr. Bligh, read a book on Responsibility to our students. He and the Character Education committee have planned activities for our students to work on both in school and at home. Our next Color Day will be on Wednesday, April 6. We will all wear blue to recognize the Pillar of Trustworthiness.
One School, One Book
We trust that our Washington School families have enjoyed reading The Year of Billy Miller at home. This tradition provides a wonderful opportunity for families to enjoy reading together in the evenings and on weekends, at your convenience. Thanks to our Librarian/Media Specialist, Mr. Faigenbaum, for coordinating this event.
Jean Days for scholarships
You may see our staff in jeans from time to time on a given Friday (or occasional Thursday).
We wear jeans in support of either the Rutherford Education Association’s (REA) scholarship fund or the Rutherford Education Foundation (REF). Staff members make an individual donation in exchange for the opportunity to wear jeans for the day.
Discovery Day
On Friday, March 8, we bring back this longstanding Washington School tradition. During Discovery Day, we focus our entire day on one particular theme. Discovery Day themes in the past have included Space, Oceans, the Jungle, and Going Green, among others. This year, our theme will be Math. We are planning to have our day begin and end with assembly programs in the multipurpose room. In between, classes rotate through different learning stations in the library, art/music room, and the multipurpose room. Students from the RHS Computer Club are scheduled to present one of the learning stations. We are looking forward to this great day of fun and learning.
PTA Happenings
Thank you to our Washington School PTA for coordinating the Scholastic Book Fair that was held March 1st through March 3rd. Our students enjoyed shopping for new books by day, and many families enjoyed shopping together in the evening on March 3.
The PTA will be hosting a Friday Fun Night “Luau” on April 8.
On Thursday, April 14, the PTA will provide a Spring Celebration for our students complete with an egg hunt and other activities.