Dear Parents and Guardians,
We have had a wonderful start to the new school year! Our students and staff have transitioned very comfortably into our fully remote and in-person learning modules. I am grateful for the cooperation and support we have received from our parents and guardians as well. With that being said, we all need to be continually diligent in following the procedures and guidelines that have been established. Please read the entire document below to assist us in keeping our programs running smoothly. It will also provide you with other important information.
Mr. Mulcahy
Back to School Night
We will be taking a non-traditional approach to one of our favorite traditions of our school year. The teachers are creating video presentations that will be posted for viewing at a day and time convenient to you. These teacher videos will be posted by the afternoon on September 29. The videos will be posted on your teacher’s Google website. You can access your teacher’s website under the Staff Directory on the Washington School website
Our Specials teachers will be posting videos on their Google websites as well. Our School Nurse, Ms. Lynn McShane, will be posting an important message on her website also.
Morning Drop-off
We are into a pretty good rhythm during our morning drop-off periods. It is important that parents and guardians pay strict adherence to the 15 minute time-frame provided for morning drop-off at each grade level. Please do not arrive early. Do not drop your child off via the car lane prior to their designated time. Our classroom teachers are not available to provide supervision prior to your child’s dropoff time-frame. If you arrive late, you must park your car and sign your child into school at the front doors.
Overall, dismissal has also gone very smoothly. Please make it a point to arrive a few minutes in advance of your child’s scheduled dismissal. Maintain social distancing while you wait. Once your child is dismissed, please leave the school grounds. We do not want children gathering on school grounds more than is necessary, for the time being. The playground is closed during dismissal times and is not open after school for open play.
Student Absences
Parents are required to follow the Daily Home Screening Checklist before sending their children to school. It outlines the symptoms that could indicate COVID-19, and directs parents not to send their children to school if any of those symptoms are present. Students who exhibit a fever may not return to school until they have been fever-free without the assistance of medication for at least 72 hours.