I hope that you are enjoying this beautiful fall season. We had a wonderful transition into the new school year in September and are looking forward to the many activities planned for October and November. Please read on to learn more about school procedures and to be informed about upcoming school events.
Bill Mulcahy
Week of Respect/School Violence Awareness Week: October 7-11 is designated as a Week of Respect in New Jersey schools. At Washington School, students and staff will focus on a different area of respect each day including respect for others, self, diversity, school, and the environment. During School Violence Awareness Week, scheduled for October 16-20, we will focus on positive social behaviors and self-esteem. Students create projects celebrating their own unique backgrounds, personalities, and interests. On October 11, our students will be treated to a presentation of , an assembly program with an anti-bullying message that ties into these two important weeks.
Parent Academy
You should have received the district newsletter/trifold announcing the many workshops that are being offered for parents throughout the district in 2019-2020. In addition, we are also sending additional information about the workshops being offered through our Second Cup of Coffee series at Washington School. Upcoming dates include:
October 23 What is a DRA?
December 4 DEveloping Resiliency and Independence in K-3 Children
Halloween Events: The PTA sponsored Halloween Social for all students in grade 1-3 will be held on Friday, October 25. Each child must be signed in and out by a parent/guardian. Our Halloween Parade will take place on Thursday, October 31 at 1:30 p.m. More information, with guidelines for both events, will be sent home shortly.
School Closings/Early Dismissals: School will be closed on Monday, October 14 for Columbus Day. Our staff will be involved in Professional Development that day. School will also be closed on Tuesday, November 5 for Election Day and on Thursday and Friday, November 7 and 8, for the NJEA Teacher’s Convention. A one-session day is scheduled on Wednesday, November 27 to begin our Thanksgiving Recess. Students in the Full-day Pre-K class and grades 1-3 report to school at 8:30 a.m. and are dismissed at 12:30 p.m. Pre-K 3 students attend school from 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Pre-K 4 students attend school from 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Parent Visitation Day: The National Education Association (NEA) has designated November 11 – 15 as American Education Week. As part of this celebration of quality public education, Washington School will be hosting our annual Parent Visitation Day on Tuesday, November 12. Parents are invited to partake in an interactive lesson with their child/children. Specific times will be arranged for each grade level to best accommodate families with more than one child in our school and to fit into our normal school day. Please return the flyer that will be sent home with your child. No siblings are permitted. Picture taking of any kind is prohibited.
Thanksgiving Parade: All parents and guardians are invited to attend our annual Thanksgiving Parade scheduled for Wednesday, November 27 beginning at 8:35 a.m. Visitors should gather outside of the school along the fence and sidewalks, similar to Halloween. After the parade is over and all students have made their way into the multipurpose room, parents and guardians may sit in the bleachers to enjoy our Thanksgiving assembly. We ask that each family bring one non-perishable food item for our donation to the local food pantry. In the event of inclement weather, the entire program will be held inside.
Absences: If your child is going to be absent from school, it is important that you provide us with notice ASAP. Please call the office at 201-438-7675, ext. 5333. If you would like to request homework, you may do so at that time. All homework will be in the office and should be picked up after dismissal (3:05 p.m.).
Tardiness: Students are to be present in the building by 8:30 a.m. Student tardiness presents a distraction in the school. Please plan accordingly to arrive with your child in advance of 8:30 a.m. Our triple doors will close at that time. Do not drop your child if you arrive late. Students arriving late must be signed in at the main office by a parent or guardian.
YMCA Aftercare: If your child attends aftercare, but will not be attending on a particular day, please notify the aftercare director in addition to notifying the classroom teacher and school office.
Lost & Found: We maintain a lost & found box for items that have gone missing. One way to insure that your child’s belongings are returned to their proper owner is to label items with their name (lunch boxes, jackets, sweaters, hats, etc.).
Morning Drop-Off: Thank you for your continued cooperation during morning drop-off. We have cones to define the drop-off area. In order to improve our efficiency, please wait to drop off your child until you are one of the first 3 cars in line. The Drop Off Only signs will define this area. Please be patient, and refrain from dropping your child until you have reached this zone. Be reminded that this is a stop, drop and go zone. Parents should not get out of their cars. This impedes the flow of traffic. Please be very careful leaving the drop-off zone.
Parking: Parking is prohibited on Wood Street and Washington Avenue (in areas adjacent to the school) on school days between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. These areas are to remain clear in case we encounter any situation that would require the assistance of emergency personnel and vehicles. Parents visiting the school, even for a short period of time, must find parking elsewhere. This includes those parents who are visiting school to participate in class activities and/or PTA events or business.
Washington School Website: Please visit our website to receive updated information, monthly calendars, and information regarding PTA sponsored events. Our web address is www.rutherfordschools.org Click on the Washington School box.