Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we move swiftly towards the holiday season, I am pleased with the progress we have all made through the fall thus far. Whether engaged in-person or virtually, our students and staff have settled into well-established routines that are paying dividends academically and, I trust, socially and emotionally. Our learning environment in the building has been very positive and energizing. The level of engagement in our virtual classrooms has been equally impressive. I credit all involved – teachers, teacher’s assistants, secretary, clerical assistants, nurse, counselors, child study team, custodians, lunch monitors, students, parents and guardians – for the focus, dedication and enthusiasm needed to have such a successful first two months of the school year.
We have successfully and smoothly transitioned into Phase 2 and anticipate the same as we plan our move into Phase 3 on November 30. Our continued success is dependent upon our sustained, collective adherence to the safety protocols and procedures that we have followed. There are two important reminders on our website that I encourage you to access. The first is a video created by our school nurse, Ms.Lynn McShane, titled “The Swiss Cheese Model of Staying Safe”. It can be accessed under the heading of Multiple Measures of Protection. Please view the video with your child(ren). It was first posted on October 29. The other is a message from the district nurses under the heading Mask Usage. It was posted on October 28.
In each of our classrooms, our teachers and students participate in stress-reduction activities that are designed to promote social and emotional growth and readiness. Please know that, as a staff, we recognize these are emotional times that many among us react to in different ways. I encourage you to reach out to me or to our Student Assistance Counselor, Ms. Emily Bregman, if we can be of further assistance to you and your child(ren).
I hope you make it a habit of visiting our website regularly. On it you will find our school calendar listing upcoming events and notable dates. You will also get a look inside of Washington School as we frequently post fun and exciting things that are happening in our classrooms and around our school.
Remember that school is closed on Thursday, November 5 and Friday, November 6. Wednesday, November 25 is a one-session day. School will be closed on Thursday, November 26 and Friday, November 27.
Mr. Mulcahy