As we have begun Phase 4, we have also transitioned into the second half of the 2020-2021 school year. I commend our staff for a job very well done over the first half of the year, and I look forward to the spring with great energy and excitement. Our students have responded so well in both the in-person and virtual learning cohorts. I/we appreciate the support we have received from our Washington School families. I encourage parents to reach out to your child’s teacher or to me if we can be of further assistance in helping your child navigate this unique school year. Please read on for more information about school events and programs.
Color Days – Character Education
Wednesday, February 10 is Color Day. This month, the focus within our Character Education program is on the Pillar of Respect. Students and staff are encouraged to wear Yellow which is the color of this important Pillar. Our Physical Education teacher, Mr. Bligh, will be reading a book on Respect to our students. He and the Character Education committee have planned activities for our students to work on both in school and at home. Throughout the school year, we focus on five main areas of respect with our students: Others, Yourself, School, Diversity, and Environment
Valentine’s Day
Our students and staff are encouraged to wear Pink and/or Red on Thursday, February 11 in celebration of Valentine’s Day. Students are permitted to bring small Valentine’s greetings for their classmates. Should they choose to do so, they must have one for each child in their classroom. Please refrain from sending any other items or gifts to school, including candy. These will not be distributed and will be returned to home.
Jean Days for scholarships
You may see our staff in jeans from time to time on a given Friday (or occasional Thursday).
On most of the days, we are wearing jeans to support the Rutherford Education Association’s (REA) scholarship fund. Staff members make an individual donation in exchange for the opportunity to wear jeans for the day. We have done so in past years for the Rutherford Education Foundation as well.
President’s Day Weekend
Reminder that schools will be closed on Friday, February 12 and Monday, February 15 for the President’s Day weekend
100th Day!
After accounting for the recent snow days, our 100th day of school will now fall on Monday, February 22. While we will not be able to have our normal, PTA-sponsored activities, we are still planning to mark this milestone on the building. Details will follow next week.
Read Across America Day
Tuesday, March 2 is the National Education Association’s (NEA) Read Across America Day. The day commemorates the birth of Theodore Seuss Geisel who would be 116 years old this year. At Washington School, we turn the celebration into Read Across America week. We will move ahead with a modified plan this year. More details will follow.
Trimester 2
We are only four weeks away from the close of Trimester 2. The last day of this trimester is Tuesday, March 9.
Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s)
Our staff continues their collective work within their designated PLC’s. Of our four PLC’s for 2020-2021, two are focused on our specific school goals relative to Educational Equity and Social Emotional Learning (SEL). Our other two PLC’s are continuing their work in the areas of Reading and Learning Cohorts/Transition Planning.
To note:
Friday, March 26 is designated as International SEL Day. As such, our SEL PLC is planning school-wide activities in the areas of wellness, stress management, personal awareness, Grit, and Growth Mindset.