Dear Washington School Families,
Welcome (back) to Washington School! I am looking forward to the opening of school on Tuesday, September 8th. It has been a very busy summer preparing for the new school year. Our maintenance and custodial staff worked diligently to prepare the school for opening day. The teachers are working hard to prepare their classrooms and lessons, whether for in-person or fully remote/virtual learning, to ensure an exciting beginning of the new school year. I am confident that the start of school, though unique, will be a very positive experience for the children.
All Washington School parents and guardians received an email letter on Friday, August 28 filled with information about the opening of school. Separate letters were sent to families who have chosen in-person learning and those who have chosen fully remote/virtual learning. For the families of students returning for in-person learning, your letter included important information regarding drop-off and pick-up times and locations. You can find that information in the chart below. For our families of fully remote/virtual learners, you were given important information regarding dates and times for the distribution of Chromebooks and supplies. You can find that information reiterated below.