Dear Lincoln Students,
I am at school and the building doesn’t seem the same without you. Mr. Dobko and his team are giving the building a very thorough cleaning.
In the meantime, your teachers are spending today getting resources and plans ready for you. Your teachers will list lessons for you on their Google Classroom or website page. You will have lessons on: reading, writing, word work, science/social studies, and math. I also asked the teachers to give you some ‘fun’ activities that can be shared with your family.
In addition, Mr. Potor has some ways to keep you moving and it’s important to keep your body healthy. Ms. Clossey has a weekly art lesson and Ms. Boyer will share some music with you. Don’t forget to visit Senora Cormack’s page for her Spanish videos and Ms. Kessler is providing a weekly science activity. Finally, Mr. Faigenbaum has a plethora of book recommendations and sites to keep you learning and Ms. Augusterfer has enrichment suggestions. You may find it helpful to check a specialist’s website or classroom on the day you usually attend that special.
I recommend you set up a desk for yourself. This can be a space in your house where you can leave your school materials and have some pencils, paper, and crayons. Your lessons will be posted for the day.
We know you may have adults working from home and they cannot help you all the time or they need to be using the computer. Relax! You can do assignments later or save some activities for the weekend. We are all learning to be flexible and patient during this time.
You need to be especially patient with the adults in your life right now. Many of them may not answer your questions the way your teacher would. In fact, some adults may not know how to do something and that is okay! Your teachers are on-line every day from 8:30-12:30 p.m. so you can email your teacher and ask a question or say hello. Ms. Bregman is also available if you want to talk about anything happening right now. Ms. Considine can also answer some medical questions you may have. We are all here for you.
If you do not have a device to log onto Google Classroom, email me. My email is If you have questions about assignments or logging on, just reach out to your teachers. I also attached Log Into Google Accounts from Home. Ms. Michelle Fawcett and Ms. Huelbig can help you if you forget your log-in information.
Please make sure you take time to play a game or spend some time outdoors when possible. You also can host a yoga class for your family. You can teach your family some of the poses you know and the breathing exercises you learned.
I promise you, we all will get into a routine.
Sending you a virtual hug,
Dr. Velechko