Each month students will be exposed to one character trait, which will be defined, modeled and analyzed in characters, leadership, and everyday application. This month Lincoln School is focusing on the hard character trait- Mindfulness. Mindfulness is being in the present moment. We are teaching students to be mindful and present in their interactions in class by being active listeners. Students should also be mindful of directions, completing assignments to the bests of their ability, and checking over work. Parents can assist us by having discussions about personality traits, likes, dislikes or any topic that has children get to know themselves better. Parents can share how they deal with being overwhelmed and how they calm down. Some teachers have taught students to use breathing techniques to control emotions and parents can do this breathing with children. Some find taking waking walks to ‘quiet the mind’ work as well. We hope our students will be mindful of their internal and external actions and thoughts and learn to exhibit control over these.