Dear Parents and Guardians and Lincoln Students,
Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year! I am thrilled to start this year and see many return. I also cannot wait to welcome our incoming first graders and new students on the first day of school, September 8th. The teachers have many exciting lessons and activities planned. I am sure the children are looking forward to being with new classmates and teachers! It is imperative this year that we all work together to keep staff and students safe. We all must do our part by wearing face coverings, following social distancing CDC guidelines and checking our own health daily. This letter contains some important information on the routines and procedures at school. Please read all of this information carefully to assist our school community. Please continue to visit the Lincoln website for daily updates.
Health Screenings
Parents are required to follow a Daily Home Screening Checklist before sending their children to school. It outlines the symptoms that could indicate COVID-19, and directs parents not to send their children to school if any of those symptoms are present. Parents do not need to send this form in, but it should be referenced daily in our efforts to all do our part.
Face Coverings
Parents will provide face coverings for their children; however, the district will also have face coverings available if a child forgets his/hers. Staff and students are required to wear face coverings throughout the day. Students will be given breaks at teacher discretion during times when social distancing is being maintained. Students’ face coverings will be properly stored when not in use. Please note that neck gaiters and bandanas will not be permitted in school.
Please have your child increase their mask wearing stamina. Our nurse will visit the classrooms on the first day of school to review how to safely take a mask on and off. Some students may prefer to hang their mask on a chain around their neck.
Sanitizing Stations
Each classroom has been equipped with hand sanitizing stations using alcohol-based hand sanitizers (at least 60% alcohol). We are suggesting students keep a personal hand sanitizer on their desks as well. Please place a name on this bottle.
Lunch/ Water
Parents may send their child with a lunch or order one from PaySchools Central. For lunch ordering program, please visit Purchased lunches will begin the first day of school. The orders for the month of September must be placed between August 26-September 5, 2020. Lunch orders are not accepted after this date. You will need to go to Parent Portal to get your child’s identification numbers. Then use the ID to set up your account with Please also note that when ordering lunch, you must select Lincoln School. The PTA will not be conducting lunch sales at this time. We suggest you send your child to school with two water bottles. One can be kept near the desk and the other can be opened during lunch. We will not be having snacks during the school day during this initial phase so please make sure your child eats a big breakfast.
Applying to Free and Reduced Lunch
For the Free and Reduced Lunch Application, please visit:
Drop Off/Pick- up
At Lincoln School, a staggered schedule will be implemented to limit the number of students entering and exiting the buildings at the same time, minimize and control vehicular traffic, and maintain efficiency in the drop off lanes. Each grade will be provided a separate, 15-minute window for drop-off.
-Grade 3
Drop-off 8:20 a.m. – 8:35 a.m. Enter via Front Doors or Driveway near playground
2:15 p.m. Dismissal Locations:
3M will dismiss out the front doors.
3K will dismiss out door that is at the top of the steps near Vreeland driveway near playground.
3V will dismiss out door that is at the top of the steps along the end of the driveway.
3B will dismiss out the Pierrepont doors.
-Grade 2
Drop-off 8:35 a.m. – 8:50 a.m. Enter via Front Doors or Driveway near playground
2:30 p.m. Dismissal Locations:
2C will dismiss out the front doors.
2S will dismiss out door that is at the top of the steps near Vreeland driveway near playground.
2L will dismiss out door that is at the top of the steps along the end of the driveway.
2Z will dismiss out the Pierrepont doors.
-Grade 1
Drop-off 8:50 a.m. – 9:05 a.m. Enter via Vreeland Driveway
2:45 p.m. Dismissal Locations:
1C will dismiss out the library doors along driveway (on left when walking up driveway).
1S will dismiss out the end of the driveway at the door on the right.
1M will dismiss out the Pierrepont doors.
1 R will dismiss out the front doors.
-Grade K and 1 LLD with Ms. DeLuca
Arrival 8:50 a.m. -9:05 a.m. Enter the building via Vreeland Driveway
Dismissal Locations and Times:
K LLD – 2:15 out the front doors on Montross.
Grade 1 LLD – 2:45 out the front door on Montross.
-Learning Center with Mr. Orlowski
Arrival : 8:55 a.m. Front Doors on Montross
2:35 p.m. Dismissal Front Doors on Montross
-Pre-School 3
Arrival 9:00 a.m. Front Doors on Montross
11:30 a.m. Dismissal Front Doors on Montross
-Pre-School 4
Arrival 12:30 p.m. Front Doors on Montross
3:00 p.m. Dismissal Front Doors on Montross
Drop off Procedure if Using Drop off Lane:
The drop off lane will be available on Vreeland Ave. only. There are cones denoting this area. Remember parents cannot park or watch children walk into the building in the drop-off lane. If parents want to walk their child to the door, watch their child enter the building, or give one last hug, then use street parking. Children exiting via the drop-off lane must be able to independently open and close the car door and exit on the passenger side.
Walking to School the first day/week:
In order to have a smooth transition on the first day, parents are not permitted to walk students into the building. We have numerous staff on hand to assist in walking our new students into school to meet their teacher. I assure you the procedure runs smoothly and we are able to assist the students (and parents too!) There will be a designated area near the gym doors on Pierrepont that denotes the parent waiting area. Parents using the main doors on Montross as their entrance point, must not come up the stairs and should stay back. Please follow the procedure so all
students can enter safely. We ask parents to quickly leave the area once their child enters the building. We want to be mindful of dispersing groups.
Bulldog Care Register by August 28th:
Please register at
k1RMcQf48404kbI-fQM1_1G15rpLVHVy2IQ/viewform If using Before Care, please enter via
gym doors near the playground on Vreeland Ave. After Care pick up is at the gym doors as well.
The supply list is available on-line at the Lincoln website. Look under LINCOLN QUICK LINKS Please do not send everything to school on the first day. Please just send the essentials. We can accept supplies over the first few days of school. I strongly suggest parents send their child with a thin towel that can be used for outside activities. This towel can go home on Friday for cleaning and then come back the following Monday. I also suggest a tennis ball with your child’s name. This will help with recess fun. Supplies ordered through the PTA Fundraiser last school year have arrived to the school and will be distributed to your child’s teacher. No further action is needed.
Students should arrive at school on time. This allows students to begin their day with their peers and to not disturb the learning of others by entering the classroom during instruction time. Students are marked tardy if they arrive after staggered arrival time listed above. Since emergencies arise, students will receive 5 tardy passes for the year. This system reduces stress for the student and the parents. However, if a child is late more than 5 times, detention will be assigned. As always, extenuating circumstances will be taken into account. This initiative is in place to reduce distractions and allow for the continuation of instruction for the students who are in school ready to learn.
In order to keep children safe, absences must be reported by 9:15 a.m. If the main office staff does not receive a call at 201-438-7675 ext 6218 or email at, they will call the student’s home. If we still have not reached a parent to confirm a child is safe, we will contact the Rutherford Police Department. Please remember to call or email if your child is absent. Parents and students should finalize dismissal arrangements before departing in the morning. If a student has a change in pick-up, please send a written note in the morning. Every effort is made not to disturb classrooms when learning is taking place. Please send students to school with their lunch and any other materials or information needed for the day.
In our efforts to reduce paper and improve communications we have placed information on the website, Parents can find lunch menus and order forms, birthday celebrations procedures, supply lists, calendars, email addresses, letters, and the Student Handbook. The Google Calendar is updated daily and already has some important dates listed. Parents can also access PTA information and sign up to receive email notifications.
The playground will be closed to the public after school because our Bulldog Care program will be using the equipment. The playground will be sanitized throughout the day.
Your child’s teacher is noted in the Parent Portal.
Back to School Night
We will send out information about a virtual Back to School Night the first week of school.
I am looking forward to the 2020-2021 school year with the children. Another year at Lincoln is
another year to grow, learn new information, make new friends, and create new memories that
will stay with the children forever!