A Time to Share
The conference offers a special opportunity for parents and teachers to share information about the child. The best conferences end with both the parents and teachers feeling they have learned something about the child. Parents can make the most of their conference time by using some of these suggestions offered by parents and teachers.
Before you go:
- Think about what you want to tell the teacher about your child.
- How does your child feel about school?
- What special interests does your child have? (dinosaurs, cars, art, sports, cooking).
- Is there anything you would like to tell the teacher that would help him/her understand your child?
- Ask your child what you might discuss with the teacher and review. If both parents can’t attend, ask for your spouse’s ideas.
At the Conference:
- Sign onto Zoom on time.
- The teacher will be prepared to tell you about you child’s schoolwork.
Here are some questions you might want to ask:
- In what subject does my child do well?
- What needs improvement?
- Are there any special programs that could help my child?
- What can I do at home to help my child?
- Ask questions about any part of the school program that you have questions about (homework, recess, test results, etc.).
- Be aware that other parents are waiting for their conference. Leave promptly when your conference time ends.
When you get home:
- Tell your child something good that the teacher said about him/her.
- Record any important points to share with your spouse.
- Keep communicating with the teacher throughout the year.
Setting Goals– January and February are months of tremendous growth for most students. Parents may want to consider using the new year resolution time to have children select one or two goals for the months ahead. For example, instead of writing the goal, “I will be a better listener,” have children write, “I will restate directions given by an adult, peer or self.” This goal is focused on a specific behavior. It is important goals be written down and then displayed, rather than just discussed orally.