I hope the children enjoyed Field Day last week. There were some sightings of Mr. Potor riding around town with his whistle calling all students to play. I saw some fantastic pictures and posted some to our website. Please check them out. Ms. Clossey will be sending home information about the Art Show next week.
I just wanted to provide an update on a few end of year items. The teachers are coming to school in shifts to clean out the classrooms and help gather students’ belongings. This process will be done by June 10th. Shortly thereafter, you will be sent an email on the dates and process to pick up your child’s belongings. Any field trip money will be returned. We will also ask you to return library and reading books when you come to pick up your child’s belongings so we can reshelve and repair the books.
On June 3rd and 10th, students will have independent learning days. Students can catch up on missing assignments then complete any other the options presented on their teacher’s website page. These activities can be completed independently by your child and nothing needs to be handed in to the classroom teacher. This is meant to be a breather for you! No Zoom meetings on these days. More specific information will be posted on your teacher’s website.

We will be mailing CogAT results to parents of second graders next Friday, June 5th. If you do not receive the results of your child’s assessment by June 15th, email me.
The third graders will get their Memory Books thanks to the efforts of Ms. Townsend and the PTA! They may be arriving a little late, but will be so appreciated this year.
Finally, if you have a neighbor or family member headed to Lincoln next year, please spread the word that I will post a New Parent Orientation presentation mid-June. This will allow new parents to get information about Lincoln. We will make every effort to have an in person tour prior to our return.
As always, thanks for your support and understanding. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. You have really been our “co-teachers” with these primary learners and the staff and I appreciate your efforts.