It’s hard to believe that we are halfway through the program! In addition to pre-assessing students, here is a quick peek at what the students accomplished the past few weeks.
In kindergarten students recognized and learned the sounds of the letters A through N. They identified the numbers 1 – 6 and practiced counting numbers while making crafts. Students have been busy practicing writing their letters, numbers and most importantly, their name! The teachers used multi sensory learning centers to reinforce both math and phonics using playdough, dry erase boards, magnetic letters, Wiki Sticks and sand. Students listened to stories and sang songs about letters and numbers.
Mr. Potor kept their bodies moving playing fun and engaging games. They also received a visit from Miss Jane from the Rutherford Public Library.
In grade 1 students practiced recognizing the difference between long and short vowel sounds. They practiced their decoding skills to read one syllable words. Students also practiced counting numbers 1-20. They learned the concept of addition and subtraction and had fun acting out number problems. They have been busy practicing writing their letters, numbers and high frequency words. Some words students have learned are I, can, we, like, go, to, have, a, play, you, he, she, is, and, said, are, do and this. They wrote in their journals daily. All classes have Physical Education twice a week with Mr. Potor. Miss Jane from the Rutherford Public Library visited each class this summer.