As we begin the winter season it is helpful to review the information below. Also please take this time to inform the office of any number changes and make sure there are some local emergency contacts available in case of an emergency.
EARLY DISMISSAL DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER: In the event that a decision is made to close school early prior to the start of the day because of inclement weather, dismissal will be as follows:
- PreK 3 – 8:30-10:30 a.m.
- PreK 4 – 10:30-12:30 p.m.
- Learning Center and Grades 1–3 – 8:30-12:30 p.m.
- No lunch will be provided on early dismissal days.
Please note the YMCA does not run its afternoon program on emergency closing days and students must be picked-up at the end of their day. Morning care is held during its regular times.
DELAYED OPENING DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER: The following procedure will be used for delayed openings:
- PreK 3 students will attend from 11-1 p.m.
- PreK 4 students will attend from 1-3 p.m.
- Leaning Center and Grades 1-3 students will attend from 11 a.m. to 3:10 p.m. Doors open at 10:40 a.m.
- No lunch period will be provided.
- Students should bring a large snack.
There is no before school care, but the YMCA does have after school care on these days.
- The Connect5 System will be activated. If there is a block on your phone, the call will not go through.
- Go to the Rutherford web site –
- Call 201-438-7675. If the schools have a delayed opening or closure, a prerecorded message will come on and state needed information. If there are no changes to the day, the usual message will be heard.