This month Lincoln School is focusing on the hard character trait- Honesty. Honesty is the ability to be truthful about information, your talents/challenges and even the ability to be true to your values when no one is present. This month, we will focus discussions on how characters in stories sometimes are not honest and how this can lead to more discomfort and how it is important to be honest even though there may be a consequence. We are trying to teach children that being honest about our actions/feelings will be better in the long term. We also want to model for our children that honesty can be accepting who you are and sharing these traits with others. In order to complement our efforts, parents should discuss with their children a time when being honest was a difficult choice to make. Parents can talk about how they felt before and after making a choice to tell the truth. Parents may also want to share a time when they were growing up and learned about honesty. Children like hearing from their parents how they had tough choices too!