This year at Back to School Night you will be hearing about our initiative to build our students’ vocabulary. This improves comprehension and writing. Each week, each grade level will have exposure to four words throughout the day. Specialists, homeroom teachers, custodians, lunch aides and office staff will infuse these words in daily conversations. We know children need to hear a word multiple times before he/she can understand the meaning in text and use the new word in writing and speaking. Parents are encouraged to use these words also to complement our efforts. Below is the list of September words for each grade level:
Week of: Words to infuse
9/9 away, classroom
9/16 down, find
9/23 go, help
9/30 then, than
Grade 1
Week of: Words to infuse
9/9 cozy, drowsy, chat, dodge
9/16 badge, giant, dainty, blossom
9/23 misty, return, flee, sprinkle
9/30 roar, bolt, whimper, delighted
Grade 2
Week of: Words to infuse
9/9 wonder, warn, bright, experience
9/16 career, club, earth, evening
9/23 connect, doubt, peak, planet
9/30 note, greedy, compare, contrast
Grade 3
Week of: Words to infuse
9/9 certain, clever, opposite, talent
9/16 habit, locate, perform, mural
9/23 ambition, cable, predict, opponent
9/30 convince, crumple, triumph, decay