Please see the upcoming dates to help with planning the last few weeks of school:
May Dates:
May 26 Dance-a-Thon
The following classes will be outside from 1:00-1:40:
Capria, Kratzer, Raimo, and Park
The following classes will be outside from 1:45-2:25:
Angelson, Sayre, Ruglio, Bomzer
Regular dismissal time from school.
May 27, 30, 31 No School
June Dates:
June 1 Lincoln School/Washington School Orientation, 7:00.
Parents that are new to Lincoln or Washington School are invited to their respective schools to hear from the building principals
June 8 Spring Concert (arrive 15 minutes earlier than the noted start time)
6:00 Raimo, Park, Capria
6:45 Angelson, Ruglio, Sayre
7:30 Kratzer, Bomzer
June 9 Outdoor Yoga – Bring a towel or yoga mat, dress comfortably
June 10 First Grade Visit
Students visit their assigned school for the 2022-2023 school year via a school bus with Kindergarten Staff.
June 13-16 Beach Days An afternoon of water play, fruit and ice pops provided by the PTA.
Monday, June 13: Park and Angelson
Tuesday, June 14: Capria and Bomzer
Wednesday, June 15: Kratzer and Raimo
Thursday, June 16: Sayre and Ruglio
June 17 Kindergarten Fun Day, 1:30 DISMISSAL
Students are to wear comfortable clothing, class t-shirt (PTA will provide prior to) and sneakers to participate in a fun day of activities, a pizza lunch and ice pops!
June 20 RAIN DATE for Kindergarten Center Fun Day
June 22-24 One session days 12:45 dismissal, Bring a snack