The Sneak-a-Peek was a huge success. We are looking forward to a great school year. A few reminders:
- Doors open at 8:30. All students are to enter through the main doors. Teachers and staff will ensure your child safely enters the school and finds their classroom. Please note that parents drop off at the sidewalk, not the door.
- All students should wear the name tag provided in the summer mailing for the first few days of school.
- Send a peanut free snack and drink as well as a lunch. If you ordered hot lunch it will begin tomorrow.
- Students will be dismissed at 2:35 p.m. and an adult must come to the dismissal area in order for a child to be dismissed by the teacher. A dismissal authorization form should have been completed during registration. Those other than parents/guardians must be on this list.
- Mr. Faigenbaum and Ms. Ruglio will dismiss out the front doors.
- Mrs. Sartori and Mrs. DeVita will dismiss out the gym doors in the rear of the building.
- Mrs. Raimo and Mrs. Capria will dismiss out the side door closest to the driveway (when facing the building the doors are on the left side).
- Mrs. Kratzer and Mrs. Angelson will dismiss out the side doors closest to the play equipment (when facing the building the doors are on the right).
- Students that are attending YMCA will be directly dismissed to the YMCA . (YMCA pick up is through the back door of the MPR). Students attending other outside aftercare programs will be dismissed directly to their representative as long as we have received confirmation that they are to attend an outside program.