Travel outside of the states of New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and Delaware requires a quarantine period for those not fully vaccinated.
If you have not reported travel that would require your child to quarantine, please do so promptly, kcenterattendance@
Students will be marked as Absent any travel days that exceed our Spring Break scheduled for April 19-23 or were accumulated the week prior. Asynchronous learning will apply only for days that fall under the designated quarantine period. If you opt to get tested 3-5 days after you return, your child may return to school after 7 days of quarantine if their PCR test is negative for CoVid-19. A negative PCR test must be provided and acknowledged by the school in order to return. If you do not wish to have your child tested, the quarantine period applies for 10 full days prior to their return to school.