This year, we say goodbye to some amazing people who have helped make Rutherford Public Schools the special places they are. Retirement is a major milestone, and we are grateful for the time these staff members have spent serving our students.

Mrs. Joanne Garabedian is saying goodbye to Rutherford Public Schools after 34 years at Pierrepont School, teaching 5th grade for 25 years and 5th and 6th grade for 9 years, “Mrs. G.” and her husband, Peter, are both proud Rutherford High School graduates and loved the community so much, they raised their family here. Both of their children are also RHS grads! Awarded the Governor’s Teacher Recognition Award in 1992, it’s an honor she will cherish forever, along with all the memories and connections made with her students and fellow staff members. Mrs. Garabedian is looking forward to spending time with her five granddaughters, especially at her home on Long Beach Island. Enjoy that quality time, Mrs. G.! You will be missed!