The Rutherford Summer Instrumental Music School will once again be offered this summer for all students entering grades 4 through 9 in September 2024. Class Orientation
Day will occur on Monday, July 8th, at 9:00 AM in the Rutherford High School Band Room 108. Instructional lessons will take place from Tuesday, July 9th, through Friday, July 26th. A concert performance by all students will be held at 11am, on Friday, July 26th, then we will clean up and turn in all school equipment.
2024 tuition will be $150.00 for the first instrument of study (beginning lesson book and/or sheet music included) and $80.00 for an additional instrument of study. Any student that is enrolling in the music school program who does NOT own an instrument will need to rent an instrument. Rutherford offers instruments to rent for a fee of $20.00 for the length of the summer band program. Upon completion of the program, students will be instructed on how to return the rented school instruments. If necessary, supplies such as reeds, valve-oil, etc., can be purchased in-house during Summer Band. Initial supplies will be provided at the start of the summer band program.
All students will receive a 30-minute instructional lesson and a 30-60 minute large ensemble band period everyday. Students are scheduled for their lessons and for either a beginning or advanced band rehearsal between the hours of 9:00am and 1:00pm. Exact schedules for students and band rehearsals will be distributed at orientation. Traditionally beginning band lessons/ensembles are from 9:00-11:00 am. Advanced lessons/ensembles are from 11:00am-1:00pm. Times are subject to change depending on enrollment. We plan to offer the advanced Jazz Ensemble & Guitar Ensemble as part of the program. Details will be given during the first week.
The Rutherford Summer Music School offers beginning, intermediate, and advanced (placement recommendations will be made by the music staff if necessary) instrumental instruction on the following instruments:
Woodwinds: Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone (double reed, advanced only)
Brass: Trumpet, Trombone, F Horn, Baritone/Tuba
Strings: Guitar and Bass Guitar (Must Own – No School Rentals) Percussion/Drums: Beginning and Advanced (Students enrolling for percussion classes will need to provide their own drumsticks and a 10-inch practice drum pad.)
Band and Ensembles: Beginning and Advanced
** ALL CLASSES WILL BE HELD AT RUTHERFORD HIGH SCHOOL** Band Room 108: Please enter through the back entrance labeled O next to the Cafeteria. For safety, please do not park or pull into the driveway when dropping off or picking up
Any questions, please contact
Mr. Cavezza by email:
Band Room Phone 201-438-7675 Ex. 2225
Please do not call the HS main office
-Click Here for online application-