Meet Ms. Jaclyn Levine, RTI math instructor, special education teacher, and overall team player. Ms. Levine has been teaching at Pierrepont School for 14 years and while we appreciate her mathematical, analytical and number crunching skills, we most admire her ability to connect with the students.
Ms. Levine has attended her students’ and her former students’ sporting events, plays, musicals and town events for years. She truly cares about her students and making these personal connections with the students has resonated in their hearts throughout the years. Former students who have since graduated high school reach out to her with letters of appreciation. It is those connections Ms. Levine has made and continues to make with her students that highlight the accomplishments and influential impressionable moments a teacher can make for a student.
Hybrid learning has not stopped Ms. Levine from showing her warmth, care and dedication to her students. Although she cannot visit them at a play or a sporting event, she has made sure she continues to connect every Monday about weekend happenings, and through email exchanges with her former students who continue to reach out to her.
We thank Ms. Levine for making such a difference for our students. Teaching with compassion and heart is the backbone to any success.