Dear Rutherford Community,
We have officially completed Distance Learning Day 3 and I am very proud of our students, parents, teachers and community for adjusting so quickly. Just last week we were educating 2,700 students within the four walls of our classrooms. In less than two days, we prepared, adapted, modified, and are now successfully educating all of those students at home. As the nature of COVID-19 seems to change hourly, we continue to grow and adapt as we embark further into this uncharted territory. That being said, I wanted to provide you with some updates.
- With the rising number of positive cases of COVID-19 in New Jersey, we will be preparing for additional weeks of instruction should the Department of Health and the Department of Education determine our schools should be closed longer. There has been no decision made yet.
- Although this is a change in how we deliver instruction, it is important that students participate on a daily basis. Our daily attendance rate has been excellent. The Department of Education is allowing school districts to count the mandatory 180-day requirement by proving attendance through participation.
- The outbreak of COVID-19 may be stressful for our students. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in children. A change in routine can also be stressful. Please email our Student Assistance Counselors, Guidance Counselors, or administrators if you need support.
- If you have questions regarding lessons or technology, email your teacher.
- We are awaiting information regarding state testing, scheduled to begin in late April, Advanced Placement Testing, and SATs. Once we have that information we will share it with you.
- For those of you who order lunch online, credit will be issued for the unfilled lunch orders for this week and next week. The credit can be used for future orders, including the upcoming month. Please wait to place your April order until the credit is applied. You should see it in your account today. Credit will be given for any future order if school remains closed.
In such a trying time, I can’t thank our staff, parents, custodians, and community enough for rising to the occasion. Thank you for all your positive comments and emails.
Positivity is contagious and this is when we all need to stay together as one community and remain Bulldog Strong.
Jack Hurley, Superintendent of Schools